Thursday, July 9, 2009

Childlike Faith

Tuesday 7th July 2009
Childlike Faith
What is your heart condition?

Tuesday is my most hectic day of the week. With 2 and 1 Bible Study (BS) on alternate weeks and two enrichment classes in the afternoon for Gayle, it’s truly a mad rush for the chauffeur.

So, on Tuesday afternoon, as usual after BS, I drove to Balmoral Plaza with another Mum, Phoebe. As we approach, it started to drizzle. By the time I got to see Gayle, it was already pouring. You see, Gayle loves Swim lessons and when she saw me approaching, the first thing she asked was, “Mom, are we going for swimming practice this evening?” “Well, if weather permits!” comes my reply. “Ok then, I WILL PRAY NOW!” she said. “Yes, pray for good weather, then we can go.” I said.

Because it started to pour so heavily, I offered to drive Phoebe home. After dropping Phoebe off, Gayle asked again, “So Mom, WE ARE GOING for swimming class later, right?” In my heart I was quite furious. Why is my daughter always testing and pushing her limits. How could she not see the overcast sky? So, in a very crisp and stern voice I replied, “Didn’t I tell you, we will go only if the weather permits? And I don’t think we can go because it doesn’t seem like the rain is going to stop.” …. goes a mightier than thou art tone.

Her next reply makes me crumble down to my utmost humble place in my heart and I want to cry!
“But Mom, the rain IS GOING TO STOP because I HAVE ALREADY PRAYED and we are going for the swim, right?”

I was lost for words for a moment. It had me thinking of a reality check on my own heart condition for our Lord Jesus Christ. Have I really been praying and not believing? Has my heart hardened and fill with worldly wisdom? Is my eyes fixed on Jesus or are they fixed on what my eyes can see only? Where is my childlike faith? I felt so small and lousy at that point. My tears just rolled down and I asked God for forgiveness. I apologized to her and said, “Yes, I am sorry and yes I am sure God heard your prayer, and the rain is going to stop, and we are going for swim class later. “ (Despite the heavy pouring rain)

An hour later just before Swim class starts, the sun shone so brightly and the early evening was so warm and beautiful. It was the most beautiful reflection of the sun on the waters I have ever enjoyed while soaking myself into God’s faithfulness and presence.

So, have our hearts hardened because of often “NO” as an answer to our prayers? Or have we grown tired of praying because we never get any response? Do we pray just because we feel we are obliged to? Have our prayers turned into a routine? Let us remember to search our hearts. Check and see where and how our heart conditions are. Ask God to soften our hearts and to create a clean heart in us (Psalm 51:10). And when we pray, let us expect something to happen. Let us learn to wait upon the Lord in expectancy and remember that our prayer is not just a poem recital. Remember all we need is a Childlike Faith.

God is Good! All the time!