Friday, September 19, 2008

“I am a Little Teacher for Jesus”
14 September 2008

Term 4 started with Wednesday & Thursday being English and Chinese Orals respectively for Primary 1. I still have no idea why the oral exams have to start so early. Anyway the stressed of getting Gayle ready for the Oral Exams paid off a little when she came home and said, “O mum, my teacher said that I was very good”. And all I could offer my excited daughter was, “You sure that’s what your teacher said”. Even t
hough it was really nice to hear of such comments, I was not sure if it was real or Gayle has exaggerated.

But what really paid off for all those stressful days was after school on Thursday; Gayle asked me, “Mum, do you know that I am a Little Teacher for Jesus?” I almost choked! Hiding my emotions, I asked Gayle, why did you say that?

“You know my friend, Chloe Ang,” she continued, “Her dad is a Buddhist and mum a Christian. Chloe said that she is a Buddhist and I asked her if her god was alive. She said her god died long ago and asked me what about mine? I said that my God, Jesus also died long ago but He rose 3 days after his death and He is alive. Chloe then asked if my God is living in Singapore? I said no, not in Singapore, but He is alive in Heaven!”

I have never imagined that our little girl at 7 years old could even witness for Christ. I am ashamed for stereotyping my God, and limiting what He can do. He uses anyone and everyone regardless of our age. It’s our hearts He is after.

My only thought right now is, ‘Lord, forgive me for not being able to see the seed you have planted in our little girl has grown into a fruit. Open our eyes Lord and help us to be sensitive to the leading of your Holy Spirit and to serve you with a willing heart. Lord I pray that you will use us as a family to reach out to all around us and to the end of the earth. Amen!

Way to go, Gayle! Mum and Dad love you so much. Continue to Live for Christ!

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