Friday, September 19, 2008

God's Goodness - Posted by Hugh 9 September 2008

It’s been a crazy and hectic past couple of months. But in all of it, I continue to see God’s hand and control in all of it.

Putting together 3 events on the same wk in Aug was a real test and stretch of faith. First, there was the Singapore Fireworks Celebrations, followed by STB Tourism Careers Exhibition, and the ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meetings. And not forgetting the continued pitch for the APEC Meetings, amongst others.

There’s so much to be thankful, but I guess I’ll just focus on a few key areas, where we can all truly see God’s goodness.

Test of human resource
Putting together these 3 events required some really good HR planning. I wasn’t really sure if all of the team was up to the challenge. So, much prayer went into this area. We prayed for months, and was blessed with others who prayed alongside Yinn & I. And we pulled it off, with a team made up of several interns. I must say God brought to us the right people at the right time.

One major concern was the health of the team. Many were going through stress levels they had never ever been through before. Again, we had been praying for good health for the whole team, and again God answered our prayers. Even one of our staff who was pregnant was well protected by Him physically throughout the whole period. We give Him praise for His hand of protection and strength.

A couple of days before our fireworks celebrations, God prompted me to pray for the weather. This was rather strange at that point in time, as the weather was really quite fine. Anyway, I prayed for it, nonetheless. Then I get an sms from Peter Loke saying that he was praying for us. Instinctively, I replied to him, asking him to also pray for the weather.

Little did I know that Yinn had also replied to Peter asking him to pray for the same thing!

The next evening, over dinner, Yinn brings up that earlier that morning, she felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to fast “for the weather”. Only then did we realize that we had both been led by Him to prayer for the weather.

The day of the actual event, it rained, and rained. We started getting calls from the public if the event would be cancelled. By faith, we pushed on, getting the entire event ready. We continued to lift up our prayers to Him onsite. And God, in His amazing timing, worked His miracle and stopped the rain just before we were due to start the show! In fact, I am also told by my cousin, Johnny, who was at the event, that when he heard that it started drizzling again just before the start of the fireworks show, he too prayed, and the rain stopped! Praise be to God.

The next day was even worse. It rained heavily from morning, with no end in sight. Having seen His faithfulness the night before, we were sure that He will not fail us. This time, it rained heavily till abt 30min before the start of the event, and the rain stopped only about 15min before showtime. But that was enough for us to get the show going, and despite a drizzle that started half way into the show, it did nothing to stop us putting together another successful event!

Often in church or gatherings, we will say “God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good!” Truly, the last few months has shown us that this is true. Not that we’ve never experienced it before, but it was another round of soaking in His goodness.

As God allows us to go through challenges, He allows us opportunities to be blessed by Him. And for that, we want to say a big “Thank You!” Lord!

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